I have been a speaker at:
Conscious Life Expo – Beyond 2012 & Cultural Evolution
Alchemy Conference – Divine Marriage, DNA and 2012
Immortalists Group of OC – The Path to Immortality
High Tech High School – Visualizing and Manifestation
Dalí 3D, Holograms and Technology – The Coming Cultural Shifts
and more…
Life Bio
I was always very aware of subtle energies. As a music major in college I learned about musical proportion and rhythm. Harmonizing in Choir and tuning pianos I developed a higher sense and feeling for the frequency around me and how different chords feel. Tuning pianos I learned how it felt vibrationally to harmonize and during a year and a half I woke up every morning to the intention of harmonizing the disharmonious, which became a powerful mantra for me. Since I was always involved in sports at a highly competitive degree, I’ve always been aware of the developmental relationship practice and focus have with the mind, overcoming obstacles and one’s growth in specific areas in life.
My first Reiki atunement gave me the understanding I needed to begin to explore the subtle frequencies within and around me. During a cycle of 8 months meditating 8 hours a day I discovered many spaces in my mind and subtle frequencies within and around me. The new doors I was discovering needed guidance and I became and adept with the Modern Mystery School learning ancient wisdom, meditations and healing techniques from many cultures over the world throughout history. I resonated with the Far-Eastern approach to holistic medicine which takes an active approach to the balance of physical and energy systems. I also resonated with Sacred Geometry, Mandalas, Kabbalah and the Tree of Life throughout many cultures. When studying herbs I came across flowers and their subtle-yet-powerful homeopathic healing properties and began to learn about Alchemy and Vibrational Alchemy in which I am currently getting certified.
Growing up an only child to an engineer and a nurse who was also a healing touch practitioner, I experienced the world of alternative healing and the systems that God and man have engineered, observing and learning every step of the way. A Catholic upbringing rooted the love of God, Christ and The Holy Spirit. Having a Scorpio Moon in the First House, feeling everything has always been a strong sense and I was aware of subtle energies from an early age with a very developed sense of smell, touch, taste and observation. Lucid dreaming, dream-work, pre-cognintion, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairsentience, meditative travel and incredible mystical experiences has always been the miraculous normal to me. Books and travel were always full of adventure and wisdom. I loved listening to my Grandfathers stories of his astral travels as a way to experience life besides physically. I also had family members and friends who were adept at dreaming and others who have been visionaries, so it was common to converse about how they experienced life, and enjoy the stories and create connections. It took an invitation from a friend to a Gem Show to discover crystals which have been a wonderful tool for learning, opening and healing.
From an early age I have always been reminded of the phrase inscribed at the ancient temple of the oracle in Delphi, “…man, know thyself and thou shalt understand the universe and God”. It is only through seeing what lies within that one can come to understand and discover what is there.
I graduated from UC Santa Barbara in Global Studies with an emphasis in Cultural Ideology and forte in Critical Analysis and a minor in Music. I learned about how culture comes together, sustainable living, anthropology, sociology, history, language structure, syntax and lexicon, business ethics, economics, the pros and cons of globalization and how culture comes to form in general on the social, biological, mental levels and more. I’ve collaborated with many organizations, foundations and non-profits whose aim is to make a positive difference in the world and keep doing so through all of my work, be it through energy services, event support, public speaking or more.
A unique blend of gifts I have nurtured over the overarching course of my life and experience from world wisdom traditions, schools and cultures such as a life long daily prayer practice, meditation, Kabbalah, crystal work, Scared Geometry, Mandalas, mantras, mudras, numerology, letters, Jikiden Reiki, shamanic methodology, dreams, yogas, flower essences and herbs, subtle energies and frequencies, as well as being able to work on the astral, quantum and other planes, allow me to help people discover healing in their lives. These have become some of the chords with which I color, harmonize and create the greater work in my life.
I’ve always enjoyed serving the community and have worked on TV, helping to better lives while I’ve met, worked and studied with some of the world’s top metaphysicians. I’ve also been a speaker at the Alchemy Conference, at the Conscious Life Expo, many schools and do workshops on various topics.
I now have the tools available to harmonize spaces and help people discover healing, training and finding breakthroughs in life.
Luke 12:31 – “Seek Ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto you.”
“You have a special and unique gift. Thank you!” – Maria M.
“I felt an entire team working on me” – J.C.
“Abelardo has obviously taken some time to become a master of his craft and carefully study the ancient knowledge and teachings, which he so gracefully conveys in a manner that inspires all who come into contact with him”. – Martha P.
“From the minute I met Abelardo for the first time, I felt at complete peace in his presence and had full trust in him as a healer. I had the crystal healing and the cord cutting, and the whole experience was magical. My experience was very intense as I had so much energy to release, and when the healing was over I felt myself floating, I felt reborn, weightless, and fulfilled with pure energy and love. I am happy to say that was only the beginning. I experienced beautiful visions during my healing, and everyday I experience new visions, as I am spiritually in tune with myself, and aware about my life like I have never been before. Abelardo’s healing began a new journey for me, it helped set me on my path to my destiny that I had subconsciously derailed from, and now every day I am loving the journey I’m on. His healing helped me find my inner powers that I now use daily in living a successful and joyful life. I am extremely grateful for Abelardo’s powerful healing. With love”, – Jane L.
“Abelardo is a very powerful healer! I did the cord cutting and the crystal healing, which was exactly what I needed at that time. The healing itself was very relaxing and peaceful for me. I had many beautiful visions that involved mainly nature and it’s serenity. Despite the peacefulness, I could still feel the power of the healing taking place, whether it was the releasing of my past attachments or the strength of the crystals on my body, doing their work. After the healing, I felt that I needed rest and I had the most wonderful sleep that night. I felt as though the whole night I was carefully wrapped in a warm, soft blanket of love and I was protected and guarded while I slept. I also felt my psychic powers open and expand as I was aware of myself channeling many important and loving things during this sleep. Overall, I feel renewed and with a new sense of power to continue my journey. I am very grateful for his healing! With much love”, Nadya